Python 100 Questions, 100 Python Problems with Solutions for Beginners | Most Common Python Programs for Practice !! BY Rakesh !!

 51. Create a class representing a basic calculator that can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. 

52. Write a Python class that represents a bank account with methods to withdraw, deposit, and check the balance. 

53. Develop a class representing a car with attributes like make, model, and year. Implement a method that returns the car's age. 

54. Build a class for a simple “to do” list application, allowing the addition, deletion, and display of tasks. 

55. Design a class for a basic library system with functions for adding, removing, and displaying books, as well as checking out and returning books. 

56. Create a class for a basic student management system that can store and display student information like name, age, and grade. 

57. Develop a class representing a basic email client that can send and receive emails, with methods for composing, sending, and viewing emails. 

58. Build a class for a simple inventory management system with functions for adding, removing, and updating inventory items. 

59. Write a class for a basic online shopping cart that can add items, remove items, calculate the total price, and display the items in the cart. 

60. Develop a class for a simple social media platform with features like posting, liking, and commenting on posts.

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